Bring Invictus Solutions to your school or institution in 2024. Contact us to book a free phone call today.

We facilitate a wide range of workshops in various settings including high schools and tertiary institutions, businesses and community groups, which are culturally sensitive, interactive and practical.

In terms of schools, we are able to assist students and their parents and teachers to methodically address and deal with the many issues that young people are faced with in today’s digital world including Social Media, Smartphone Addiction, Gaming Addiction and Cyberbullying, to name just a handful.

We also have workshops specifically designed for educators at all levels while in terms of businesses, our sessions are designed to assist employees – and employers for that matter (both in private enterprise and government) – to navigate their way through the myriad of problems that can affect us not only at work but also during our personal time.

Workshops: Year 5-12 Students


Workplace Workshops


Contact Invictus for a phone consultation.

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