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Mental health in Islam

As is the case with the rest of the community, mental health in Islam is viewed as an integral part of a person’s overall health.

Islam promotes a holistic outlook to health, which includes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Mental health is a very vital component of this approach, and it is recognised as a crucial aspect of a person’s overall health.

In Islam, mental health issues are not seen as a sign of weakness or lack of faith but rather as a natural part of life, which anyone can experience.

Indeed, Muslims are encouraged to seek help when they are struggling with mental health issues, which may include depression, anxiety and a long list of other disorders – all of which are diagnosable and treatable.

However, in spite of this encouragement, many Muslims, and specifically the younger male demographic, are somewhat reluctant when it comes to ‘opening up’ about their problems and feelings, be it with a friend or family member – or a trained professional.

These males are often too shy, too embarrassed or too proud to admit that they are ‘doing it tough’ mentally, especially young, fit, healthy ‘brothers’ who not only give the outward impression of being okay, but of being indestructible…..when unfortunately, sometimes nothing could be further from the truth.

In some Muslim communities, mental health problems still carry a stigma, and those suffering from these issues may be seen as weak or lacking faith – especially men – who are expected to fulfil the traditional role as the head of the household: the provider and the protector of the family.

Other Muslims (male and female) may see their mental health issue(s) as a test of faith or punishment from God, again making them reluctant to seek help.

There are a number of resources available to assist Muslims in coping with mental health issues and seeking the assistance of a qualified counsellor is a great option.

Headed by our founder and proud Muslim Dean Mousad, the Invictus Solutions counselling team will provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment where you will hopefully feel free to discuss your problems openly and honestly.

Additionally, we will provide guidance and support in managing any mental health symptoms, using a number of coping strategies which will help you to understand and manage these symptoms and improve your overall wellbeing.

We can help you explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe space where discretion and confidentiality and is guaranteed.

This can prove to be particularly beneficial for those may be struggling with issues related to faith and spirituality. One of our counsellors will help you to explore your relationship with God and find ways to integrate your faith into your mental health treatment.

Not all counsellors are trained in cultural or religious competency and that it is why it is important if you are of the Islamic faith, that you seek out a Muslim counsellor like Dean who is extremely knowledgeable about Islam and understands the unique challenges that those of the Islamic faith face.

As well as one-on-one consultations with clients who may be experiencing mental health issues, we also conduct workshops for community groups and workplaces surrounding important topics like Mental Health First Aid.

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